wardrobe architect 2016 – your core style

You may have heard of Wardrobe Architect. Colette Patterns launched it in 2014 to challenge sewists to design and make their own capsule wardrobes for Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. For the past two years, many creative minds have taken up the challenge, and in 2016… I’m jumping on board!

January’s assignment is to discover your core style. I’m all for this, because I believe as we get older and life gets busier, we spend less time on ourselves. We become so busy nurturing others, we forget to nourish our own small pleasures.

I remember, as a teenager, sewing flowered maxi skirts with ruffled hems and halter tops from crisp calico cottons. I remember spending all summer curating and sewing my back-to-school wardrobe. My mother’s sewing room  became my  studio, and my closet became my self-expression. I want to recapture that fearless sense of style, and I’m convinced Wardrobe Architect may help me do just that.

First task: download Colette’s worksheet for uncovering your core style. I found this to be an effective tool for helping me determine these hallmarks of my personal style.

my natural preferences
  • Bohemian flavor, small prints
  • Casual, comfortable, not rigidly tailored
  • Vintage and unusual accessories
external influences
  • I live in an area that is generally conservative and traditional in fashion
  • When travelling, I am inspired by bolder and different fashion trends
  • I work from home and stay busy with sewing, crafting and art projects; my wardrobe needs to be casual and functional
  • I am currently a few pounds heavier than I’d like (aren’t we all?) and avoid wearing fitted waistlines and sleeveless tops
what i’ve learned
  • I’ve missed the creativity of making my own clothes (I made all my clothes in high school!)
  • I need to be bolder in curating a wardrobe that is less traditional and more reflective of what I truly love

Now, that’s what I’ve learned. How about you? Want to join me in this process? Download the worksheet and get started. I’ll be posting updates every Monday. See you next week!

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