Finally, this crazy pandemic-ridden year is over and it’s time to greet 2021. But what this new year holds, nobody knows. One thing that is within our control, however, is what we do with it. I have two words for you – bucket list.
If you’ve never created a bucket list, you’re missing out on a magical tool. Sounds cheesy, I know, but there truly is something life-changing about setting an unfathomable goal, working towards it, and reaching it. When I was in my mid-forties, I realized that I had always looked in awe at anyone who had run a marathon. It had always been in my heart to complete one. So I took the first step. I signed up, bought some running shoes, read a training book, and started moving. I was inspired to write a book about my journey, and the following year I had an offer from a bona fide publisher. Bam! Two items off my bucket list.
In all honesty, I haven’t officially placed another big goal on my bucket list since then… until now. And 2021 is the year I intend to rock climb. More specifically, to lead-climb a rock wall aptly named Eureka in Red River Gorge in Kentucky. Whether you’re familiar with the jargon or not doesn’t matter. The important thing is this. For me, this goal is huge. Dauntingly, ass-kicking huge. And I know if I can do it, I’ll learn whatever it is the universe is trying to teach me about aging fearlessly and living boldly and always, always believing in myself.

You might also enjoy my previous post Come Home to Yourself in the New Year.