MADE – book wreath

book reviews book page wreath -
book page wreath

I was scouring Pinterest for a clever idea for decorations for the book club I’m hosting next month. Reading the book and providing good wine are really the only prerequisites, but I thought a clever door decoration would be fun. I saw lots of versions of wreaths made from book pages and chose this tutorial for a book page wreath from Vintage, Paint and More for my starting point.

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After cutting a circle from foam board, I stapled rolled book pages to the back. Then I turned it over and stapled a second tier of book pages. Next, I found an old book with more yellowed pages (to add interest) and made a third tier. Then I made a batch of paper flowers of varied sizes and shapes and attached them to the center with hot glue.

book wreath - my french twist

What to do for my crowning touch? I remembered I bought an unusual “book letter” from a charming little shop (Bliss)  in Knoxville months ago. The letter R is the first letter of my last name, so it seemed appropriate to add it to the center of the wreath. (I actually hung the letter first with wire from the wreath hanger, then hung the wreath itself.) I added a tag to the book with the name of our club – Wine, Cheese & Chapters – and voila! An adorable book page wreath.

made - book wreath - my french twist

book wreath - my french twist




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